Pet Medication Tips

When it comes to Pet Medication, we've been there, done that, now serving 96 tips in 13 categories ranging from Deworming Medication Tips to Treating Pet Bacterial Infections.

How do I give my pet its medication?

Administering Pet Medications

Having a sick furball at home can be stressful enough without the added difficulties of administering medications. Ill pets, however, often require medication. These pills and liquids do not smell like food to your pet's super-sensitive nose. So, your little animal does not know the medication will help or that it is even edible. Fortunately, there are a few things you can do to make medicine time easier on both you and your pet.

1. Always ask your veterinarian if your pet's medication can be taken with food. Sneaking a pet's meds into its meals is the easiest method. The medication, pill-form or liquid, will make the food smell funny to your pet. So, you will need to be smart about how you hide it.

If your pet's medication is liquid, mix it into a can of wet pet food. Begin by giving your pet a small nibble of food without medication. While your pet is hungry, mix the dose of medication in a small amount of food and give it to your pet. Never mix medication into a full meal because if your pet does not finish its food, you will not know how much of the dose your pet missed. It is also a waste of medication.

If your pet has been prescribed pills that can be taken with food, stock up on a variety of foods and treats that will easily conceal the pill. Think peanut butter, cheese, hot dogs, and canned food. Pet food companies have begun manufacturing treats with special pockets designed for pills. Be sure to vary the foods and treats so that they do not lose their appeal.

2. You asked the veterinarian, and your pet's medication cannot be taken with food. If this is the case, always have everything ready before you call your pet into the room. Arrange your pet in a comfortable seated position with its back to a wall (dog) or in your lap (cat or small dog). If the medication is liquid, your veterinarian should supply you with a syringe or a dropper. Using one hand, open your pet's mouth from above and tilt its head back slightly. Squirt the medication into your pet's mouth slowly so that it does not choke. Then close your pet's mouth until it swallows.

If your pet cannot take its pills inside food, then you will have to administer the medication by hand. You will want to follow the same steps as with liquid medication, but when your pet's mouth is open, insert the pill as far back in its throat without gagging your pet. Then close its mouth, massaging your pet's throat which will encourage it to swallow.

4. The most important thing you can do is to remain calm while giving your furry friend its medication. Animals can sense when you feel nervous and will react by feeling the same. If you act as if everything is okay and normal, your pet will also. So, remember to speak with a cheerful, calm voice, praise your pet, and offer up lots of medication-free treats after.

If my pet has had a particular illness several times before and I can recognize the symptoms, can I save time by purchasing the necessary prescription pet medication online?

Save Time on Recurring Prescriptions?

If my pet has a reoccuring illness, and I can recognize the symptoms, can I save time by purchasing the necessary prescription medication online?

No. Just as with people, prescription pet medication must be prescribed by a medical professional every time it's needed. Sometimes you may even need to see more than one vet, especially if your pet needs to see a specialist to receive a full diagnosis.

That said, once your pet has a prescription, you can save money by purchasing discount pet medication from an online pet pharmacy but, again, they will not sell you pet medication without a proper prescription. You can also request that your vet add refills to the prescription if it is a reoccuring illness.

Does garlic really repel fleas?

Garlic Repels Fleas

Does garlic really repel fleas? Yes, although to make sure your pet is completely protected you should use a flea medication, too. Though it has not been the result of a formal medical study, fleas dislike the taste of both garlic and yeast. A simple way to save money on pet medication is to mix in a little garlic and yeast powder with your pet's food. Doing so will make your pet unattractive to fleas, saving you the money that you would have spent on flea medication.

If I know what’s wrong with my pet, do I still have to see a vet before ordering medication online?

Online Meds Do Not Replace Vets

If I know what's wrong with my pet, do I still have to see a vet before ordering medication online?

Yes. Just as with people, a medical professional must see your pet before you will be able to get prescription pet medication. In fact, when purchasing pet medication online, you will need to have your vet's contact information handy so that the online pet pharmacy can contact him or her for verification of your pet's prescription information.

However, you can purchase non-prescription meds, such as flea medication, from online pharmacies without your vet's sign-off.

How can I save money on shipping from online pet medication pharmacies?

Free Shipping on Pet Medication

It's true that you can save money on pet medication by purchasing discount pet medication from an online pharmacy, but the money you'll end up paying in shipping costs can be discouraging.
One way to save on shipping is by purchasing large quantities of products at one time. Online pet pharmacies often sell more than prescription medications, and will give you free shipping if you spend a certain amount of money. Take advantage of this, get the pet-related knickknacks that you've been meaning to get for some time, and save money on shipping!

Want to know how to buy your pet’s medication online?

How to Buy Pet Medication Online

Want to know how to buy your pet's medication online? Buying pet medication online is pretty easy these days, but it should only be done if your pet can wait a few days to receive the treatment. Follow these simple steps and you can start saving money on pet medication now.

• Let your vet know that he or she should be expecting a call from the online pharmacy of your choice regarding your pet's prescription.

• Shop around the various online pet pharmacies to compare prices.

• Have your vet's contact information handy as you'll need to enter it when you checkout.

• Remind your vet that your pet's prescription fulfillment requires their approval.

Keep these points in mind and you'll have no trouble saving money on your pet's medication.

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