Read these 7 Pet Behavior Management Tips tips to make your life smarter, better, faster and wiser. Each tip is approved by our Editors and created by expert writers so great we call them Gurus. LifeTips is the place to go when you need to know about Pet Medication tips and hundreds of other topics.
Is your family pet suddenly acting more like Cujo than Lassie? If your dog suddenly displays drastic changes in temperament, you could have a serious problem on your hands. Sudden personality changes could be an indication of a mental disorder and should not be ignored—contact your vet immediately. There are a variety of effective pet behavior medications available that can help you get your cuddly friend back to normal.
Chlorpromazine is a drug that can be used as an antiemetic or a tranquilizer. This drug is so effective that is one of the most frequently prescribed antipsychotic drugs on the market. It suppresses abnormal behavior, reduces aggressiveness, and induces a tranquillizing effect.
Does Fido have a hard time sitting still? We all know what it feels like to be anxious and overly worked up—it's no picnic. If your dog becomes antsy and excited on a regular basis he may have a condition that needs attention. A pet behavior problem is something that shouldn't be taken lightly. Contact a vet immediately and have your pet examined.
Acepromazine maleate is a phenothiazine tranquilizer that is often helpful in soothing a dog with a behavior problem. This medication decreases anxiety and causes both the blood pressure and heart rate to lower. Acepromazine blocks the control of some blood vessels, and aids in getting more blood flow to certain areas of the body.
Regardless of species, none of us are invincible to the negative effects involved with aging. As your dog grows older it is likely that he will suffer from one destructive symptom or another. One of the most unfortunate conditions associated with aging is senility. There's nothing more heartbreaking than watching your beloved family pet struggle mentally. Find comfort, however, in the fact that there are many great behavior management medications on the market.
Does your dog go into frenzy or a depression when you leave the house? Let's face it, our pets enjoy our company and don't want to be left alone. As a result, a dog that is left home alone often is at the risk of developing behavior problems. Some of these problems include:
• Barking or howling incessantly
• Chewing and biting furniture and objects
• Using the restroom in the house
• Moping
What can you do to better the situation? Talk to your vet about treatment options. Clomicalm Tablets have been proven to be quite effective in treating this condition. In fact, this is the only medication that has been approved to treat separation anxiety in dogs. This drug makes it easier for your pooch to abandon negative behaviors and deposit new, positive ones.
Has your furry friend lost his pep or spark? Just like humans, animals can suffer from mental conditions like depression. Pay attention to pet behavior. Have you noticed that your dog has lost his playful energy? Does he refuse to eat? Has he become anti-social? Is he moping or hiding? If you notice any of these symptoms, contact your vet at once.
Doxepin, an antidepressant (mood elevator), can be quite effective in treating depression in animals. This drug is used to treat both depression and anxiety. In addition, it can also be used to treat chronic pain, peptic ulcer disease, and some skin conditions
High stress levels can cause your dog to develop a pet behavior problem. If your dog is prone to stress (especially during boarding or traveling) you may want to look into a medication that can help stop and prevent negative behavioral problems including:
• Barking
• Defecating
• Urinating
• Whining and Whimpering
• Chewing and Biting
Discuss effective treatment options with your veterinarian. Comfort Zone with D.A.P. is an excellent medication with proven results. It simulates natural calming pheromones that help calm the dog, even under the most stressful of conditions. This medication has the ability to reduce or even completely eliminate stress-related behavioral problems.
When you come home are you often greeted with the smell of cat urine rather than a happy kitty? Cats that are extremely stressed have a tendency to get the message across by spraying or urinating in places other than the litter box. Unwanted urination can be one of the most frustrating of bad pet behaviors. This disgusting habit can lead to the destruction of both furniture and carpets. Have no fear, however, there's hope for that cat yet!
It's been proven that the main reason why cats urinate in places other than the litter box is because they are stressed out. It's a great idea to invest in a Comfort Zone Plug-in with Feliway. This Plug-in contains a formula that mimics the smell of the feline facial pheromone. You can best utilize these plug-ins by placing them in the area that the cat frequents the most. The scent will calm and soothe your feline and provide a sense of reassurance—this will aid in putting an end to behavioral problems.
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